How Tassel's solutions can speed up your graduation ceremony

Pinch points, every ceremony has them and suffers because of it. These areas, where planning meets execution, can sometimes create speed bumps in your ceremony flow. These speed bumps can come in way of increased time for grads to check in or they can present themselves during the ceremony as live name readers fumble stage cards, mispronounce names and vary procession speeds. MarchingOrder understands that every second counts and has developed custom solutions that can help flatten these speed bumps and shave valuable time off your ceremonies.
Improved pre-ceremony organization
Traditionally, as your graduates arrive, they will congregate in mass in a specific area to check in and receive their stage card. This causes your graduates to arrive much earlier than needed for the ceremony and can sometimes cause backlogs and delayed ceremony starts.
To assist in this process, we have developed the GradPass, an electronic stage card that is distributed via email. Graduates can print their GradPass from home or download it to their smart phone for electronic scanning at the ceremony. The GradPass will greatly reduce the number of graduates that congregate to collect stage cards and the check in process becomes a breeze using the MarchingOrder provided QR scanners to scan each GradPass and instantly check them in. You can also use the GradPass to display any other useful information that your graduates need to know, such as seating assignments or line up numbers, saving time on the post-arrival instruction and organization.
Efficient & accurate graduate name pronunciation
Ceremony execution is another area where we have found more opportunity to save seconds and cut real time off the back end of the traditional ceremony. Wasted seconds can happen at almost every point in the traditional live ceremony process. As the graduates arrive on stage, the traditional paper stage card requires a pass to the live name reader, the live name reader receives the card, processes the information presented and reads the name aloud.
Using MarchingOrder GradPass along with MarchingOrder Live Display software eliminates the need for this process. This duo will allow graduates to scan themselves in stage side and display their written phonetics and other information at the podium for your live reader. Take it one step further by pairing the GradPass with MarchingOrder ProNounce to have your graduate names prerecorded by our professional name readers.
We can also set your MarchingOrder Live software to the auto-advance mode which will allow it to keep a consistent pace, progressing from one graduate to the next at a preset interval of your choosing. When using all of these time saving solutions and practices, we can effectively reduce the average amount of time spent on stage by each graduate by half.